Where does the time go? I feel like a drifter popping in and out of this blog, but 2009 is my year to catch up and get back on course.
I have never made New Year's resolutions. Probably for the reason that each day I am aware that I have not even charted the necessary course to complete any of them. I feel that 2009 is a good year to step up to the plate and put my life on a course to succeed. I'm sure there are many of you who have a personal things to do list, prioritizing what things you would like to accomplish each year, but not actually going so far as calling them New Years resolutions. I am putting mine in bold letters, throwing them out in the universe so I cannot take them back.
So here goes,
- Get super healthy
- Give my wesite a face lift and make it fun to visit.
- Loose weight (give up brownies).
- Make money and help others to make money.
- Make each day count.
There that felt good. Now it is out there, the list has gone public so I must step up to the plate and make this year count. I would love to know if any of you have made New Year's resolutions. Join me by going public and next January let's see if we have accomplished these goals.
I wish the very best in 2009 to each of you. May your blessings be abundant.
Oops! Forgot to mention that Ele at http://abitofpinkheaven.blogspot.com/ has won the French tote from Novembers give away. Please visit her blog, she always has great things going on. Also for any of you looking to buy an e-commerce website that is all set up and ready to go, please visit http://www.timelesslychic.com If you are interested, please send me an email.